Tuesday, 19 July 2016

How to Take Care of Your Cat Properly

Taking Care of Your Cat
Being a cat owner is a big responsibility, which should be shared by the whole family. The most important things that young individuals should learn about cat care are as follows:
Regular Visits to the Vet
A cat should visit the vet at least once yearly to undergo a physical check-up, which includes eyes, ears and heart, as well as get deworming/deflea treatments and booster vaccinations. If your cat's heath or behavior is a concern, it is crucial to see the vet immediately.
Every cat should go through vaccinations for diseases such as feline leukemia virus or FeLV, cat flue and feline infectious enteritis or FIE. Such diseases can endanger a cat's life when infected, so it is crucial to go for preventive measures.
In order to stay healthy, your cat needs a good diet. Feed it with quality dried or tinned cat food, and make sure that fresh water is always ready. Since cats are carnivorous, they cannot live on a diet with vegetables.
Neutering allows cats to be healthier and happier. When a male cat is neutered, he is less prone to wandering far from home and getting involved in fights. A neutered female will no longer have kittens, which is an advantage since there is enough space to accommodate lots of kittens in the UK. Kittens should be neutered from 4 to 6 months, upon the advice of your vet.
Playtime with your Cat
Cats, most especially kittens, should have playtime because this is where they learn the skills they need in life, and it teaches them more about their environment.
Also, play makes good use of a cat's energy, letting it remain fit and healthy, as well as give an alert and active brain. The best games motivate them to chase, pounce, stalk and safely bat objects with their paw.
Best Tips for Playing
Even if cat toys are available from pet shops, you can save money and have more time making some by yourself.
Cats like interactive toys, so tie a string on a toy, then move it all around like it were alive.
There are cats that go crazy over the herb catnip. Buy toys filled with dried catnip, then hand one over to your cat to see its reaction.
Climbing and Hiding
Cats are fond of climbing and hiding, so it is a great idea to get a cat activity center, or as a cheaper option, just give cardboard boxes for your cat to play with.
Indoor Cats
Cats that stay indoors need more entertainment than those outdoors. So, try to make feeding more challenging by giving cat biscuits via a puzzle feeder or plastic bottle, which is cut in biscuit-size holes with the help of an adult.
The cat will find out whenever he bats the bottle, it releases a biscuit. At the same time, he will eat his food gradually.

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